Professor and Chair Elfi Kraka

Elfi Kraka leads the Computational and Theoretical Chemistry Group (CATCO). CATCO’s research mission is to develop modern quantum chemical tools and to apply these tools to solve pending problems in chemistry, biology, materials science, and beyond. Special CATCO software includes the Local Mode Analysis (LModeA), a unique tool for decoding chemical information embedded in modern vibrational spectroscopy data, applied to both single molecules in gas phase, solution but also to periodic systems and crystals. The Unified Reaction Valley Approach (pURVA) describes a chemical reaction with an accuracy and a detail never achieved before. We have analyzed so far more than 700 homogenous catalysis reactions and the first enzyme reactions at the quantum chemical level to learn from Mother Nature how to design the next generation of catalysts. SSnet (Secondary Structure based End-to-End Learning) for protein-ligand Interaction prediction forms the basis for our new artificial intelligence supported computer assisted drug design platform stretching form screening billions of drugs candidates to the quantum chemical descriptions of the most promising candidates. Take a look at