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Rediscover your life's passion

What is an M.Ed. Degree?

Guide to Pursuing Your M.Ed. in Teaching and Learning


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What's in the Guide

Teaching is part of your personal identity. You love working with young people and making a lasting impact every single day. But lately, you may be wondering what comes next in your teaching career. 

Pursuing a graduate degree in teaching and learning can be the exact thing you need to reinvigorate your love of the classroom. An M.Ed. in teaching and learning can open doors you hadn't considered and shine a light on new techniques to improve your day-to-day classroom experience. 

In this guide, we’ll explore how an M.Ed. can be the spark that ignites your life's passion...again! 

  1. What is a Master of Education Degree?

  2. What is the career outlook for an M.Ed.?

  3. Who should get an M.Ed.?

  4. What should you look for in an M.Ed. program?

  5. What kind of classes should you look for in an MEd program?

  6. Pursuing a Master of Education at SMU

  7. Your Next Steps!
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You’ll be granted access to the PDF immediately for your reference as you apply to graduate school.


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